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ERP Software for Folding Carton & Displays

Folding Carton ERP Software

Preconfigured ERP Solution for Folding Carton & Display Manufacturers

The Aicomp Industry Suite for Folding Carton is a cutting-edge ERP system tailored for manufacturers. Efficiently managing the entire folding carton production process, it emphasizes predefined industry-specific standards, including ECMA standards, and accommodates free designs for optimal customization.

Folding Carton Packaging Software
Folding Carton Packaging ERP

Aicomp Industry Suite for Folding Carton

Our ERP software for folding carton and display manufacturers prioritizes adherence to ECMA standards and allows free designs, providing a comprehensive solution.

Pre-integrated and standardized, it streamlines operations, covering various order types, pallet deliveries, tender quotations, and more. Instantly configure products, from simple sheets to complex sales displays, while seamlessly unifying multi-piece packages.

The software excels in simplifying calculations for customer orders and automating routing optimization based on selected characteristics. Emphasizing support for all conversion steps, such as sheeting, printing, embossing, die-cutting, coating, folding and gluing, it ensures a robust solution for the industry’s diverse needs.

Preconfigured ECMA Packaging

Effortlessly customize a range of products, from sheets to complex sales displays, using preconfigured ECMA products. Seamlessly assemble multi-piece packages, calculate areas based on ECMA style or custom design, and ensure precision in sheet dimensions for thorough product mapping.

Relevant Conversion Steps Predefined

Addressing every conversion step, our solution includes support for sheeting, printing, embossing, die-cutting, coating, folding, and gluing. It offers versatile features such as label production, printing variants, different layouts for the same article, and precise calculations for embossing, lacquer, and coating.

Optimized Shipping and Unitization

Optimize packing processes to improve shipping and unitization. Efficiently determine the number of pieces per layer and stack, along with pallets per truck for streamlined logistics. Our comprehensive industry ERP solution addresses cover box configuration, enhancing its production efficiency.


Streamline and Optimize Your Business Processes

The inquiry process refers to the gathering of customer requirements and specifications by a manufacturer, allowing them to create accurate product quotes and deliver results that meet the customer’s expectations.

Handle inquiries by using manual, semi-automatic or fully automatic processes to speed up the process. A user-friendly input mask is used to capture customer requirements, which is then supported by numerous logics for correct product data to be collected. To ensure that no incorrect information is given, manufacturers can use feasibility checks based on their product range and production steps.

Product variants can be created based on ECMA standards as well as in-house developments. This allows the manufacturer to offer customers a variety of options and create customized products tailored to their needs. Once the customer has made their decision, variant costing is then used to determine the cost associated with each product parameter. Costing models include all production services and their associated costs.

Pricing and calculation functions include strategic price levels, quantity scales, profit centers, and other features that allow the manufacturer to set prices competitively without sacrificing margins. All necessary order documents will be included as part of the pricing process.

The ability to reduce, generate, and update master data quickly and efficiently can have a dramatic impact on the success of any manufacturing operation. With the master data management of Aicomp’s product configurators you can realize greater efficiency, productivity and customer satisfaction while reducing costs and improving overall operational performance.

The master data reduction happens in the quotation generation phase. With Aicomp’s product configurators, you have a single, consolidated source of product and production information like descriptions, material types and sizes for the creation of accurate quotations. This also reduces the amount of time spent on manual data entry and increases accuracy across departments.

Automated master data generation can be used at the order confirmation stage to ensure a seamless transition from quote to order.

Integrated mass update processes can help streamline the product change process. This way, you can ensure that products are up-to-date and compliant with customer requirements while reducing the time and effort spent on manual data entry and maintenance.